All lives matter

On The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

All lives matter
Charles Darwin has a lot to answer for.

The full title of Darwin’s original book > “On The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”.

MarxHitler,   Stalin,   Margaret Sanger (eugenicist), Marie Stopes (abortionist) and Education Departments are all influenced by this Darwinian theory.

Today’s  sanitised book-title, The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection:   Original Text (sic)

Missing Link. Missing Words.
The book title now is Missing Words particularly  relating to ‘Missing Links’.

“Or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”   –  is now missing.

Australia is mentioned 30 times, including, “Australia’s savages”. (page 89)

Darwin’s second publication             The Descent of Man

Darwin’s original publication, Descent of Man,  is available on the Internet-archive Click here  (706 pages).   Darwin’s theory regarding the descent of man contains 24 references to ‘evolution’.    Australia is mentioned 39 times.

When explorers and settlers first arrived in Australia, many were influenced by Charles Darwin’s evolutionary worldview and its quest to find missing links .

 The Descent of Man by means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

You can explore Darwin’s further publications and theories using the Internet Archive.  Click here

Meanwhile in Australia at least one statue has been torn down.  A statue of a highly regarded doctor who may, or may not have, have sent aboriginal bones to London in 1869.

Meanwhile, talking of statues, below is the Charles Darwin, statue which has pride of place, in the Museum of Natural History, London.

The Descent of Man by means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

It is more than Go Woke. Go Broke. Truth is truth is truth.


More on this at :

See also :
Five reasons Christians should reject The Voice

There is Darwin NT, and dozens of other things named after Charles Darwin

Darwin’s statue, racism, and the Natural History Museum, London
Statues have become highly politicised in recent months following the tragic death of African American George Floyd and the reactive Black Lives Matter movement. The offence of certain statues, that led to campaigns to have them removed, lies in the fact that some of the people immortalised were slave owners, or in some way connected to racism. There is a desire from certain quarters to cancel or redefine the past. But how does this impact upon Darwinism?

Aborigines and Evolutionary Racism

by Dr Carl Wieland

Creation Ministries

The sinful desire to dominate, reject, ignore or mistreat others for one’s own particular motives has never required much excuse. However, Darwin gave it a tremendous impetus, as has been shown before by both evolutionist and creationist writers. An unusual book helps document the links between evolutionary thinking and an upsurge in racism in Australian colonial history.

The book is called Aborigines in White Australia: A Documentary History of the Attitudes Affecting Official Policy and the Australian Aborigine 1697–1973.1 Apart from a few introductory/editorial comments, it consists largely of substantial excerpts from documents as varied as parliamentary transcripts, court records, letters to editors, anthropological reports, and so forth.

Far from showing a progressive enlightenment as time goes on, one can see a distinct change for the worse after 1859, with a marked increase in callousness, ill-treatment and brutality towards Aborigines being evident in official attitudes. As the book’s editor writes:

‘In 1859 Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species popularized the notion of biological (and therefore social) evolution. Scholars began to discuss civilization as a unilinear process with races able to ascend or descend a graduated scale. The European was … the “fittest to survive” … [The Aboriginal] was doomed to die out according to a “natural law”, like the dodo and the dinosaur. This theory, supported by the facts at hand [i.e. that Aborigines were dying out, which was due to ill-treatment and disease—C.W.] continued to be quoted until well into the twentieth century when it was noticed that the dark-skinned race was multiplying. Until that time it could be used to justify neglect and murder.’

In the transcript of an interrogation of a policeman during a Royal Commission of inquiry in 1861 (p. 83), we read concerning the use of force against tribal Aborigines:

‘And if we did not punish the blacks they would look upon it as a confession of weakness?’

‘Yes, that is exactly my opinion.’

‘It is a question as to which is the strongest race—if we submit to them they would despise us for it?’

‘Yes …’

The influence of evolutionary thinking can also be seen in a transcript on page 100. The writer, also author of an 1888 book, is justifying the killing of Aborigines in the State of Victoria. He writes:

‘As to the ethics of the question, there can be drawn no final conclusion.’

He says that this is because it is

‘a question of temperament; to the sentimental it is undoubtedly an iniquity; to the practical it represents a distinct step in human progress, involving the sacrifice of a few thousands of an inferior race. … But the fact is that mankind, as a race, cannot choose to act solely as moral beings. They are governed by animal laws which urge them blindly forward upon tracks they scarce can choose for themselves.’

In other words, he is justifying ‘iniquity’ (another word for sin) by appealing to the ‘animal laws’ of the evolutionary struggle for survival. Opposition can be dismissed as ‘sentimental’—lacking understanding of such ‘natural laws’.

On page 96, someone also writing in an 1880 newspaper said:

‘Nothing that we can do will alter the inscrutable and withal immutable laws which direct our progress on this globe. By these laws the native races of Australia were doomed on the advent of the white man, and the only thing left for us to do is to assist in carrying them out [i.e. helping the “laws” of evolution by hastening the Aborigines’ doom—C.W.] with as little cruelty as possible … We must rule the blacks by fear … ’.

These immutable ‘laws of evolution’ have, of course, always been a complete fiction. The continuing social tension surrounding Aboriginal issues is, in large part, a legacy of these past evils.

Many genuine Australian Christians and church institutions, though occasionally somewhat patronizing, seem to have tried to protect Aborigines from the full brunt of the many inhumanities sanctioned by evolutionary thinking. However, like today, most church leaders and institutions compromised in some form or another with this new Darwinian ‘science’.

Virtually no Christian voice did what was required—to affirm boldly the real history of man as given in the Bible. To stress that we all go back only a few thousand years, to Noah’s family, would have refuted Darwinian racism. It would have anticipated the findings of modern genetics, that we are all biologically extremely close. It would also have given a completely different perspective on Aboriginal status and culture—for example, it would have been seen as no surprise that they already had many stories of their own about the Flood, and some about Babel. What a dramatically different starting point for missionary outreach—reaching your relatives, not inferior ‘savages’!

The false belief system of evolution has been used since its inception to dull people to the moral absolutes of Scripture, whether justifying Nazism, Stalinism, the abortion holocaust, indifference to starvation in Africa, or the maltreatment of indigenous people.

God’s Word has always stated that He has ‘made of one blood [i.e. from one man, Adam] all nations of men’ (Acts 17:26, cf. 1 Cor. 15:45). The answer to racism is in Genesis, which tells us that all people are closely related.

We have already documented1 the murderous trade in body parts to northern hemisphere museums, based on Darwin’s teaching that indigenous Australians were living ‘missing links’. Early atrocities against Aborigines (which were also often ‘justified’ by pre-Darwinian evolutionary ideas) frequently brought swift retribution from the authorities. But after Darwin’s work appeared, such horrors, of all types, were much more often officially sanctioned.

A letter-writer to a newspaper in 1880, incensed by the treatment of his fellow man, stated:

‘This, in plain language, is how we deal with the aborigines: On occupying new territory the aboriginal inhabitants are treated exactly in the same way as the wild beasts or birds the settlers may find there. Their lives and their property, the nets, canoes, and weapons which represent as much labor to them as the stock and buildings of the white settler, are held by the Europeans as being at their absolute disposal. Their goods are taken, their children forcibly stolen, their women carried away, entirely at the caprice of white men. The least show of resistance is answered by a rifle bullet … [those] who fancied the amusement have murdered, ravished, and robbed the blacks without let or hindrance. Not only have they been unchecked, but the Government of the colony has been always at hand to save them from the consequences of their crime.’2

More on Charles Darwin and Australian aborigines    

Margaret Sanger’s legacy of racism and ‘elimination of the unfit’

“While liberals praise Planned Parenthood for its contributions to the health of women, no one seems eager to discuss the organization’s origin or its racist founder, eugenics advocate, Margaret Sanger.

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, openly admitted the purpose of her work when she spoke to the Democrat Party’s KKK rally in New Jersey back in 1926. It was to apply the science of “eugenics” to Blacks (as later explained and admitted in her 1938 auto-biography).”

Charles Darwin in not the only one who gets a free pass from BLM – Mohamaddad was a slave owner.  Islam and slaves and slavery.  Crickets chirping.

From the Black Lives Matter website
BLM objectives include:

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

For more on the BLM Marxist Fist symbol

Jacinta Price – BLM is not the answer


Man 1 (Darwin) proposes evolution of the races  and the ‘Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life‘.

Man 1 is honoured.

Young girl (stupidly) uses a term characterising Man 1’s evolution of the races – against Man 2.

Girl is publically denigrated.

Man 2 (Goodes) receives Australian of the Year award.

Man 1’s position and BLM’s position are contradictory.

Satan is the “author of lies“. John 8:44

God says all lives matter.


See also Influential Australian aboriginal Christians:


See also :
Islam and slavery
Islam and slavery and here

See also :
Five reasons Christians should reject The Voice
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