Love Adelaide

Love Adelaide
Love Adelaide exists to organise and promote the annual Walk for Life, to bring education and community awareness raising on the issues of life.

Love Adelaide exists to organise and promote the annual Walk for Life, to bring education and community awareness raising on the issues of life.

The Walk for Life is an annual event that gathers citizens of South Australia together to express their support for the proposition that all people, regardless of background, gender, sexuality or age should be able to live a free and full life through all stages of their lives. This includes protection from harm at all times and having access to the necessary services to achieve these aims.

To encourage community and other organisations, through education, to help those affected to work through all of the implications related to an unplanned pregnancy or abortion.

Through the use of available media resources Love Adelaide will promote awareness of the sanctity of every human life, alternatives to abortions as well as make known the support services available to those experiencing an unplanned or unsupported pregnancy as well as prior abortion.

Using evidence based research regarding both physical and psychological effects of abortion upon the mother, father and extended families and with the support of the second hand shop Love Adelaide promotes, encourages and where needed supports single mothers to be and couples to have their families by giving them material assistance. The Walk expresses concern at increasing move in society towards a less safe society with more difficult access to services.

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